sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2012

Ana Botella Crew

» News / por Zupi

O coletivo Ana Botella Crew nasceu em 2009 em Madri como resposta à perseguição sofrida pela arte urbana por parte de Ana Botella. A senhora em questão é esposa do ex-presidente José Maria Aznar – o mesmo que se aliou a Bush e Blair na guerra do Iraque – e responsável pelo departamento de meio ambiente da cidade.

Ana foi eleita “musa” do grupo por suas declarações ferrenhas sobre o grafite. Além de afirmar que a expressão não é artística, comprou briga com grafiteiros e simpatizantes ao propor uma “limpeza” geral, alegando que Madri gasta seis milhões de euros por ano para apagar as manifestações.

A partir desse imbróglio, o movimento passou a utilizar colagens e estêncil para estampar o rosto de Botella em vários lugares. Eles brincam dizendo que desejam que ela seja multada por sujar as ruas da cidade espanhola.

Além de ultradireitista, Ana é uma católica fervorosa. O Crew dela, assim, não se esqueceu de “homenageá-la” durante a recente passagem do papa Bento XVI por Madri. Eles produziram pôsteres que foram espalhados em pontos estratégicos e mostravam Botella vestida de Virgem Maria, segurando um cão-bebê raivoso com uma lata de spray.

Ana Botella is the wife of the former Spanish President José María Aznar, the one who started the Iraq War alongside Bush and Blair.

Currently she is also in charge of the department of the Environment in the City of Madrid. And it´s quite ridiculous because her husband is one of the most prominent Spanish neocons arguing publicly that the weather change, and the environmental crisis are not real. He has been organizing master lectures at universities talking about the weather change conspiracy ,and adding that all this thing is a fake created by a new communism!

Ana Botella follows this trend, and at the local level has carried the disdain for environmental practices to her own department at City Hall and has expanded this repressive policies to include social and cultural practices.

She is also a member of the right religious organization called OPUS DEI (The right of the right in the No-Holy Catholic Church)

She said that GRAFFITI is not an ART, and that Madrid spends 6 millions per year erasing graffiti, demagogically concluding that "with this money, we could have built 6 hospitals"

She declared the war against graffiti saying that Graffiti is not an art and that she´ll destroy it.

A couple of years ago, we started an answer…

For all these reasons, and as a reaction to the stupid letter that she sent to every madrilian with her signature arguing among her measures for "integral cleaning of the city" that all graffiti was going to be removed, we had the idea of doing this open action using her own medicine! In fact, with so many politicians proposing recently to use municipal money to hire forensic graphologist to identify taggers and other street artist, we though it would be a nice touch to use her own signature in this project. And that action became really popular in Spain and also in other countries.

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